Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hi everyone

I am really sorry , because i didnt post for so long time ........

I didnt post because my blog were having some problems and i tried alot to open it , but the blog didnt open .........

but now i opened it and i can write any time i want........

take care

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my assissment

who can help me in my assissment ?

my assissment ......

oh i dont know what to write in my assissment , it is very hard to think and write i dont know about what to write ,,,,,,,,,,

If anybody know any thing a bout any oragnaizer please tell me .........

Friday, May 13, 2011

my birthday

today is my birthday .....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

today we made our last practise for open day , and we showed it to miss fairoz and miss yasmeen , i were so scared and when i went to the stage i forgot what i have to do , and i did another thing not what i practised , but the teachers liked it ,,,,,,

i dont know how i will do it ,,,,,,,

Monday, April 11, 2011

hi my friends
sorry i were busy in my assessments
ok bye now i have to finish my assessment

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The last movie wich i wrote about name is
( How do you know )
wach it ....