Friday, April 30, 2010

What happened to me yesterday.

Yesterday my uncle vesited us at home , and he was very angri .
He told me why i behave like achild ?
And why speak too much .
Because this i will never speak too much and behave like a child again in my life.
And also I will not lough at anyone again.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my lazy friend

I have lot of friends ,one of them is very lazy always he is tired i dont know why ?
And he is ill every day i saw him he is ill , isaw him from semester 1 , Idont know why?
He dont like to study at all , Idont know why?
Idont know how he pass in semester 1?
He failed in two exames in semester 2 and he dont want to study, Idont know why?

Monday, April 26, 2010

my brother

My brother is student in India . He is studing BDS. He is hard working.
But i dont know why always he fail .
But he promesed me he well pass in the nex exam.
Ihope he well pass it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

my exam result

my exam result is 60. Iam happy and sad ,.
Iam happy because iam pass ,and iam sad because this is the worst result im my life in English.
My all friends fail in the exam i dont know why . they are upset and angry.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

today second class

today i and my friends didnt go to our second class , because we didnt write our writing homework.
Ihope the miss well forgive us and we are sorry .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

new student

Today i saw anew student in the college . Heis my friend . He was student im my class when i was at school .
Ihope he well like this college and dont go to another college.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Iam happy

Today iam very happy because i pass my exam .
But iam not happy like the first exam ,because my friends fail the exam.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

core exam

The exam was the wors exam in my life it was so defficult . The wors was the vocab .
I will never forgive my self if i fail the exam.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my cat

my is my best friend . When i be sad or upset i play with my cat and i forget what happened to me . It is the bes thing in my life .
One day it gone some where i didnt find it 2 days it didnt come i were so upset and ill . When it came i was so happy and till now i dont leave it to go out the house.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yesterday i went to the gym after s months. The coatch was happy and asking me why i didnt come to the gym . I was so happy and making hard work in it but suddenly the weight fall down from my hand and i hurt in my hand they took me to the hospital and the doctor told me it is not danger injury he give me some medecin and tell me god bay.

Monday, April 12, 2010


smiling is infectious , u can catch it like the flu .
someone smiled at me today , and I sterted smiling too.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

longest toilet

which is the longest toilet in the world?
aswer :
the indian railway track u can use it from kashmer to kanyakumari .... proud to be an indian!!!

my math exam

yesterday i had my math exam . It was hard to me because i dont know math at all .
my friends was happy and i was sad .

I hope to pass my exam....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

my college open day

yesterday was my college open day . It was interesting and noisy . My work was to sit with my friends who have the DJ music . We are 9 me and my 8 friends 4 from them are my family members .

The most shocking time was when the dean of the college and the menestr came to our table and ask us some questions we didnt know to answer ,and we didnt know that was the dean and the menestr.

In the night we were very happy dancing and shouting with the Dj music . It was funn , and we were very tired at the end.

Monday, April 5, 2010

last night

last night i went whith my friends to A Chinees resturant . WE were having fun when suddenly i saw something straing i saw that there were some rats at the resturant .
Itold to the manager , he told me they were coock it to the chinees customers. Iwas shoked ,the first thing i did is i went out of the resturant whith my friends , and i didnt eat their food , because it is not hallal .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

mobile themes

today i was downloading themes to my phone and i saw some bad themes it was really not good , because when it oppened there were girls sitting next to me at the lap iwas imparesed.