Monday, May 31, 2010


He is amazing ,isnt he?

My new friend?

Her name is Jenny . She is from India (Goa) , it is very beutiful place .
She is student at Waljat college .
I met her first time at LULU , She wanted me to help her to put the things which she bought them.
She asked me to give her my phone number ?
First i asked her why u want my phone number ?
She answered me : Because i am new her and i dont have friends .
I gave her my number and after that day she calling me every day and meeting me at the same restaurant in Darseet .
And she is very kind and helpfull .
Her best thing is that she is full of life and happy personality.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My IT exam

Today was IT exam .
It was easy and interesting .
I like it .

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My writing class

Today in the writing class one miss come I dont know her name she gave us 6 papers and told us to fill it and gave it back to her .
I fill it and gave it to her and I wrote some comments .
Some of them was funny and some of them was good comments.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama funny!!!1

It is very funny .

My bad friends!!!!!!

My neghbarhood friends are very bad , because when I sit with them they are good with me , but when I am not with them they talk about me and my mother >
So what If my mother is An Indian that is not harram or bad .
I think I will kill them oneday .
I am sure .

Mad TV

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who I met in lap today?

Today I met faiha in lap .
She told me that they have trip to the Centeral Bank.
I hope she enjoyed it.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Prince of percia

New hollywood movie.

secret of Kaaba

How to learn English?

Here are some tips which may help you to master English Language!
Speak without fear:
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they wont say things correctly or they will look stopid so they do not talk at all.Do not do this . The fastest way to learn anything is to do it - again and again until you get it right . Like anything , learning English requires practice. Do not let a littele fear stop you from getting what you want.

Use all of your Resoursces :
Even if you study English at a language school it does not mean you can not learn outside of class. Using as many different sources , methods and tools as possible . will allow you to learn faster. there are many different ways you can improve your English , so do not limit yourself to only one or two . Yhe internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything , but for the language learner it is perfect.

Watch English films and television:
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective . By watching English films you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.

Record your self :
Nobody likes to hear threir own voice on tape but like tests , it is good to compare your tapes from time to time . You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much .

Study as often as possible:
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises , can you really improve your knowledge of any lanuage.

For more information go to this website:

Have Fun.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Now Morenho is the coatch of Real Madred .
I think now Real Madred is power full than Barcelona.


Today I am very bussy .
Because I will do my lots of homework.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today is wednesday!!!!!!!!!!

Today is wednesday!!!!!1
Iam happy because today I will go to my uncle house in seeb .
I will go there to meet him , I am going after 2 month .
My uncle phoned yesterday and told me to vesit him .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am happy.

Today i am happy , because i didnt make jokes in the class .
I dont want to make jokes , because all girls in my class are angry from me because i make jokes in the class , and also the teachers.
I think it is good to be serios in the class.

Look how is girls .... very funny!!!!

WAtch it .

It is very funny.

Funny babies

Watch how these babies are skating.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Watch mr bean dancing.

Core class

Today in my core class the teacher got angry from boys , because two of them were talking too much today .
The miss told us that from tomorrow we well sit in grops with girls .
But I thing if she told to miss yasmeen to change their class .

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Yesterday iwent to the hospital , because i dont remember very good , i dont know why .
The doctor told me that , i should take some ingestions evey week .
The most bad thing is that i have to take them in my back .
The doctor gave me one yesterday it hart me so much i did not sit for one or two hours.

My English exam

The exam was not hard and also not eassy.
But the ESP was very hard .
I did not know what to write.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What I will do for my English exam

Today I will go home and I will study very hard the Gramar.
Tomorrow I will study vocab very hard .
on Friday I will study ESP .
And finally on saturday Iwill fill the exam paper .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My math result

I failed in my math exam .
I got just 22 .
Shame on me .
I am very upsed and sad .
I think I will kell my self .

Monday, May 10, 2010

My berthday.

today is my berthday iam very happy.
Today Iam 19 years old

This is some web addreses. (this is for laser movies) It is in English. (this is for learning Arabic and English) (this is only for girls) (this is for computer softwears) .



Sunday, May 9, 2010

beutiful picture

It is so beutiful .
It is like an angel.

Iron man 2

This movie is suberb and fabulous . It is so fantastic and amazing .
I did not know that this movie wonderfull , I did not watched the part one but I will watch it today or after the exam.
I hope u also watch the movie .

Saturday, May 8, 2010


India is a vast country . One of the worlds oldest civilisations , India has an empressive diversity in history and culture that blend hormoniously to its unique hertage .
There are many places to vivit like : The Taj Mahal remains asymbol of eternal love and beuty .

funny movie

My question ?

what is this number for (786)?
If u know it u are .genius.
Tell me the answer?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

how to eat an ice cream

I wana to suck you .... lick you ..... wanna move my tongue all over you .....

Wanna feel you in my mouth ..... yep , tat is how you ..... eat an ice cream .

A blind boy and his mother

A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother . The mom says "Now billy , pray really hard tonight and tomorrow , your wish will come true!.
Billy says , " OK mommy ". And goes to sleep . The next morning , Billy wakes up and screams " MOMMY ! Iam still blind , my wish did not come true !
The mom answerd , " I know - April Fools.

Love Quotes

I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistery . That must be why my girlfriend treats me like toxic waste.


If I get your smile I dont need flowers.

If I get your voice I dont need music.

If you speek to me I dont need any body else.

If...... If........

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My favorite actors in Bollywood.

my new albom

This is my new albom with Paris Hilton.


Our first teacher

Our mother is our first teacher , who teaches us everything , about manners and about every culture.
We should not celebrate Mothers day on asingle day .

We should celebrate it every day.

I cant write more than this .

Because iam craing now.

My lovely action movie.

This is my best action and romance movie.
I hope u will like the pictures.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My best movies.

This was very imotional .
I were imotional at the cenima people were watching at me .
This movie was funny and interesting.

My picture with my best friends

We toke it in our college open day .
Iam wearing deshdasha.

My ESP class

Today In ESP class I wanted to go to the bathroom I asked the miss , CAn I go to the bathroom ? Please .
BUt she told me NO.
I was so sad because I wanted to go to the bathroom , not to go to the caffee shop.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Yesterday i went to cinema and i watched amovie called clash of the titans .
It was interesting and lots of action in it .
I love it .
I hope others also go and watch it.