Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My math exam result.

I failed in my math exam result and i got veryyyyyyy bad mark.
I am upset and sad in the same time.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Exam result .

I am so happy today because i pass my core exam .
But I am nerves because tell now I dont know if i have passed my math exam or not.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My math exam.

Just now I fineshed my Math exam .
It was difficult but I wrote all the answers .
But I do not think I will pass it .

Husband and wife!!!!

During their silver anniversary , a wife reminded her husband : Do you remember when you proposed to me , I was so overhelmed that I did not talk for an hour?
The husband replied : "Yes , honey , that was the happiest hour in my life."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mr_Bean-Horror movie

My busy day.

Today I am busy . I have to do lots of work in college and home and in show room.
I think this is my bussiest day in my life .
In morning I am busy at college and in evening I am busy , because I will go to shopping mall .
Finally I am busy at night , because I will go to the show room to sit there with new workers to tell them how to work.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This is for the people who are upset.

Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn , pass all your tests. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
So dont be upset be happy and enjoy your life .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I am sad!!!!

Today I am sad because today is the last day in college .
I will not see my teachers for 2 month .
I will not use the lap for 2 month.
I will not see my friends for 2 month.
I will miss my teachers so much specialy my core and It teachers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My post number 100

I am happy because this is my post number 100 .
I didnt know that I will post 100 times in only 4 month.
I thing tell semester 3 I will post another 100 posts.


I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away
I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it in the next day
I wrote your name on a paper but I accidentally threw it away
I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.

Love Poem

The day will come when you will be mine
But i will just wait till that time
If I have to waite forever , that is what I will do
Because I can not live my life without you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Two Bachelors conversation>

Two confirmed bachelors sat talking their conversation drifted from politics to cooking .
"I got a cookbook once ", said the one " But I could never do anything with it.
"Two much fancy work in it .
Asked the other . "You said it . Every one of the recipes began the same way - TAKE A CLEAN DISH.

My friends are guless from me !!!!!!!!!!

My college friends are guless from me , because all the teachers do
love me and they talk to me in a very nice way . because they like the way that i have in doing my work.
Two weeks ago one of the students told me that All the teachers likes me and loves me more than the other students in my class , the other students start having bad feeling because they treet me in a very special way in another mean as a son or brother in the reason of that the sprit that i put in the weather during the class .
All my friends start egnore me during the break , they dont want me to be loved every where so i can have the feeling that they had in the class so i can feel what they feelt .
One thing that they dont know that when succesful comes to one of us others suporse to be happy for the succesful one so God will gives them for the good tention they have.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

This is for all my friends and teachers.

If I could give you one thing in life ,
I would give you the ability to see your self through my eyes ,
Only then you realize how special you are to me.
This is for all my friends and teachers.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My friend ?

Today I was so happy and full of life .
But know I am in very bad mode , because my friend didnt come to speaking test.
He was in the college and he told me I dont want to do my speaking test .
I dont know why he is like this two weeks he didnt come to the colege and today he
didnt go to speaking test.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Chris tuker in Rush hour

I hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1- I hate girls except the one who is reading this.
2- Life is just like a girl , because it is changing very quickly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My question?

What do you want to do before DIE?

Internet addresses.

www.aall.ufl.edu (Learn Arabic In English).

www.callrewads.com (You can call to all the countries).

www.hottelephone.com (You can call to more than 30 countries in free).

Funny joke!!!!!

Two women that are dog owners are arguing about which dog is smarter ................. First Woman : "My dog is so smart , every morning he waits for the paper boy to come around and then he takes the newspaper and brings it to me .
Second Woman : "I know ........ " First Woman : " How?" Second Woman : "My dog told me."

Monday, June 7, 2010

I am the future!!!!

I sometimes lie awake at night. And wonder at the stars so bright.
I dream about my future too. And the things that I eill do.
Soon the world will count on my . I am the future ; they agree......!!!!!

My IT exam result

I pass my IT exam .
I got 79.
I am very happy , because In the first exam I got 45 but the teacher gave me 50.
And I am greatful for him.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

my problem?

Tpday I am in very bad mood , because my moom want me to marry my uncle daughter, but I do not want to marry her , because I love another girl.
I want your solution my friends so send to me what to do.
Should I tell my mother or not about my love.
Please tell me what to do.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why I am funny ?

I am funny , because I do not like people to know my emotions .
Because this I am always make jokes and funny things.
But they do not know how is my real life ?
If I behave seriosly they will be angry with me and say to every one I am rude person.
Because this I like to be funny personality.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why I do this ?

My bad thing is that I do not like make any relationships .
Because I think I can not save it for along time.
I do not know why i do this.