Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My first class....

Today I went to my class for the first time , to my reading and writing class. It was so borring because I dont know any one from the boys and girls , I know only one boy who was with me in semester one and two.
I think I will change my class.

Monday, August 30, 2010

funny sister and brother!!!!!!!!

the sister is very good sister , because she made her little brother like a ghost .


My book.

Today I got my first book .
It was looking easy to me , but when we started our first subject it was littele bit deficult .
I can handle it , because I will study very hard this time.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

my gift.

Today I am very happy , because my miss gave a wonderfull gift .

I like the gift.

Thank you miss ...........................................

my first day in college.

Today was my first day at college , and I am in class 3 s .
In our class there are only to boys me and my friend mohammed and lots of girls.

Friday, August 13, 2010

my team....

Yesterday france lost 2/1 in friendly match with their new coach , but they played very good match.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Be yourself,,,,,

Always be yourself because the people that matter don not mind , and the ones who mind do not matter.
If u dont have asense of humor , u probably dont have any sense at all.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Oman is in Guinness after making Kabsa.They made it with :
40 chefs , 4.000KG of chiken , 4.000KG of rice , 2.000 liters of cooking oil , 100KG of salt , and 1.000Kg of vegetables.