Tuesday, September 13, 2011

hi everyone

I am really sorry , because i didnt post for so long time ........

I didnt post because my blog were having some problems and i tried alot to open it , but the blog didnt open .........

but now i opened it and i can write any time i want........

take care

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my assissment

who can help me in my assissment ?

my assissment ......

oh i dont know what to write in my assissment , it is very hard to think and write i dont know about what to write ,,,,,,,,,,

If anybody know any thing a bout any oragnaizer please tell me .........

Friday, May 13, 2011

my birthday

today is my birthday .....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

today we made our last practise for open day , and we showed it to miss fairoz and miss yasmeen , i were so scared and when i went to the stage i forgot what i have to do , and i did another thing not what i practised , but the teachers liked it ,,,,,,

i dont know how i will do it ,,,,,,,

Monday, April 11, 2011

hi my friends
sorry i were busy in my assessments
ok bye now i have to finish my assessment

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The last movie wich i wrote about name is
( How do you know )
wach it ....

My first instalition

Yesterday i instaled windows xp m it is the first time i inslat a spftware on a pc
but i really liked it m because i were doing lots of funny things before the instalition

if anyone want to instal windows xp tell me and i will instal it for free,,,,,

call me 99000000

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yesterday I watched movie I dont know the name , but it was really funny and interesting movie , The best actor in the movie was the father who is realy funny and angry father in the movie..........

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Best Class.......

My Best Class Is The Data Base Class
I like the class Because me and my friend Yousuf Make lots of fun In it
And Make lots of fuuny thing with the teacher
I really like this class

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Assissmnt.....

Today I am going to start writing my first assissment
I am so scare

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New bollywood movie

i am not good

Today I am feeling very bad head ace I dont know why
I dont know if I will attend the class Today

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What do you know about Database Design and Management?

I think you dont know because i dont know too...

Monday, February 14, 2011


I dont know why people like to spend their time in facebook or waching TV or olaying games .

They can spend their free time on helpping their mothers at home ....

I have seen lots of people not doing anything just watch TV .

My advise for you my friend is to help your parents in your free time not doing things witch is not better than helpping their parent

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My first class......

Today i am going to start my first class in my new course wich is IT ....

I am really feeling very happy to start my new course...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today i came to the college because i was thinking that we will stard today
but when i went to saleh he said , multazim my friend your course will start
on saturay next week .
And he didit give me the time table , he said i dont have it come next week
and i will give it to you.......

I am so happy because i will stard my course next week .
I can sleep one more week .

Poor foundation students they have to start from this week , hahahahahah

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My foundation story...../

I am going to tell you all about my foundation story ,
It beggen when i was 18 years old , when i cam first to the college it was 25/7/2009
it was sunny weather , I came to college with my friend , because i didint hade a car
first day i were scared because there were new faces and new teachers , but after some time i were very happy because i met lots of new friends and teachers , but after first semester some of my friends went to another college because they didint pas their exam and some of them went to work , but i were had my new best friends mohammed , said and obaid who faild in semester 2 but he didint went to another college.
But today i am very upsed and sad , because the all teachers will not teach me again , m.azita , m.charmain , m.anu , m.fauziya , m.runita , dr.benu and dr.(yugeen) i dont know if it is correct spelling , I will miss them all i dont know how will be my new teachers .
I hope if they will be like M.AZITA and M.ANU................to help me in my writing and math....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My ILETS result............

This time I got Very good Mark 5.5.......

It Is really good mark to me........

I am shore my moom will be happy after i tell her......

And also my teachers ........

Monday, January 17, 2011

My course.......

I am going to study IT course , we have tell now just 7 or 8 students...
We want more 2 or 3 student ,,,,,
Can you help me my friends to find some more students to IT course ???????
Please find some students

Sunday, January 16, 2011



Saturday, January 15, 2011


It was easy but the speaking was very hard ....

The question was ( LAW IN YOUR SUSITY )

How can I know about it i am not a lawyer....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

My new year gift...............

No gifts this year , because I didnt attend any parties
for new year..............